Travelling is not Just a word it is a World

The word “Travelling” is not just a word for me. May be you are thinking that if this is not a word then what is “Travelling”? so let me clear you. Travelling is a “WORLD” well… you read it right actually. As we are living in a planet but never seen the inner beauty yet then you are not living your life in a correct way. For me, we can live life to the fullest only when we have ability to observe every moment and have ability to feel everything by heart. Hey guys if you knew me, am Steven John “A Travel Lover” of course and I already have shared amazing life experiences of mine with you and still I have many stories remaining to share so this time am going to share with you, how important travelling is for us? The world has moved forward so much and no one have time to stop even for a minute for anyone or for anything. We are now living in a busy world and managing time is really very difficult for anyone. As I am a travel lover I am also working in a private company but...