Journey of my Life


My Early Life and Education

Hey, Albert this side, I was born in 1998 to a single mother named Alessia Edison. Well my birthday is on 8th July so after celebrating my first birthday we moved to Boston from Florida. I was born in Florida but grew up in Boston so since I assumed my senses I have seen Florida only. My future does not deteriorate due to my father’s passing, that’s why my mom started doing job as a flower seller. I studied in Delphi Academy in the beginning of my school journey when I was 3 years old. We go through my obstacles in the beginning but slowly slowly as the time passing we start getting better days. Ups and downs comes in everyone’s life, something similar was happening in my life too. somehow I completed my graduation from Wellesley College in 2019.

Life after Completing College

Life is like one time offer which you can avail for one time only so I don’t think that wasting even a 1 minute is something good. When I completed my graduation, then my real life started and that time for me to get out of my comfort zone. I enjoyed a lot in my school and college days but it’s time to give some rest to my mom. My mom was the only earner so I decided to do job somewhere. I joined a company near Acorn Street which is little far from my home but used to get there from public transport. One day I arrived late in the office, my boss told me something wrong for my mistake that nobody says anything to any staff at their first mistake. I felt very bad that time so I immediately quite that job and pack my bags then left the office at the same time. I know that my attitude towards senior was not good but if they are hiring the staffs then they should know how to treat staffs and how to uphold their responsibilities. One day I was sitting outside in the garden and plucking grass then I thought and realized that I am not able to do all these kinds of jobs so why don’t I try for another work?

Journey to Become a Traveler

By the way, let me tell one thing that earlier I had no interest in travelling but may be you won’t believe that travelling is the only thing which changed my life from boring to enjoyable. Now you may be thinking that if had no interest in travelling then how travelling can change my life so I want to tell you the story behind this. Actually I have my uncle named “Jorge” who lives in Boston where I was born. He was working with any travelling agency and he advised me to try in his company at least at once may be if my luck is good so I can get a job there with high range because my communication skill is good.

Without further ado I decided to move to Boston again along with my mother so I got to my mother’s room. She was sitting near the window and stitching something. I grabbed a chair and sat down next to my mother. I was hesitating to put my point in front of her because she suffered from many bad things in her past life and she had many bad memories as she had lost her husband too Boston. Without wasting much time, I told her all the things that uncle Jorge has invited me to work in his company in Boston but she immediately refused to go over there.

I don’t let the rays of hope to be die and continuously try to convince her. After 2 days when I came home from my friend’s birthday party, I sat on the sofa and watching Television then she came down the stairs to me and said to book Flights to Boston for the next day. She already done the packing. I felt like I was at the peak of any mountain and then I asked to “Danny” for better platform to book tickets with best discounts. Now may be you are thinking about the character “Danny”. So Danny is my college friend and we used to hang out together. He is a lover of travelling and know better to begin the travelling journey. He advised me a website and I booked my Southwest Flights to Boston immediately.

When we reached to Boston Airport we saw out of the airport that my uncle Jorge was stood on the other side of the road to pick us up. They took us to their house. I don’t want to wait for the next day, so that is why I went for the office with my uncle on the same day. When we reached at the office there was some formalities that I had to complete, then I had an interview after doing that. I completed all the formalities then I got for an interview and I answered all the questions that whatever I was asked with great confidence. After the interview was over then they asked me to sit outside the cabin. I was waiting for 1 hour at least then manager came to me and gave me a joining letter. When I read the joining letter I saw on the other page that I am getting pretty well salary so I was very happy. Immediately I went to my mother and fed them sweets. She was also very happy and the great thing for me is when I saw her face, she was having a real smile on her face and that happiness of her was the real earning for me. Then I felt that I had done something really good for my mother. If you want to see paradise on this planet, then keep you parents always happy because real happiness of your parents is the real paradise and you can’t find that happiness anywhere else.


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