An Incident That I Can’t Forget


Hey, Guys am Edward Scott on this side, so today am going to share a real story that I faced in reality. It was an incident that I could not forget even in 18 years of my life. At that time, not only me but my younger brother was also there to see that incident. Perhaps you guys must be thinking that what had happened that we had shocked so much. So stay with me if you want to know the whole story. 


When Kevin got injured Near His Knee


It was morning, there was light sunshine and a cool breeze was blowing. So, I and my younger brother decided to go out and play football in the garden area. After 01-hour mamma had called us for breakfast but we were so busy in-game that we did not go inside even for breakfast. We spend almost 02 hours in-game then suddenly Kevin “my younger brother” started moaning. I ran to him quickly and I saw that he had fallen while playing a while back and there was a big wound near his joints because of that. 


Why Kevin was Constantly Staring the Ground? 


I ran quickly inside to bring the first aid box for him. Momma was busy in the kitchen so I did not tell her about that. Approximately it took 10 minutes to found the first aid box. As soon as I got the first aid box I ran out to Kevin. When I arrived in the garden area, I saw Kevin in a strange situation. He had an injury a while back and now he was standing on the road which was going from the edge of the garden area and was constantly seen at just on the same point.


He carried his favorite book “My Life with The Wave” which is based on the story by Octavio Paz in his right hand but his left hand was stained with wet soil. He was very scared and was sweating so much. When I got close to him then my attention should go to Kevin’s injury but when I got next to him, my attention also went to where he was staring for so long. 


Got Some Scary pieces of Stuff from inside the Soil


There was a shirt in the garden outside the front house, stained with blood and a big knife with a solid black handle was placed next to that shirt. When I asked Kevin, he said that the soil was bulging, he dug the soil with his left hand then he got those scary pieces of stuff from inside the soil. Without wasting a single minute, I grabbed Kevin’s hand and took him to mother.


When we went home, we told all the things that happened to us then after listening to us, momma asked us to go to our room. We were very scared that time that’s why we did not want to go room alone so momma also came with us to our room so that we don’t get scared. Mom dialed a call to daddy and asked him to come home immediately. 


When daddy came home, momma took him to that same place where I and Kevin saw the Blood-stained shirt and a scary knife too. they called the police immediately and in a short time, we started hearing the loud noise of a police car which is reaching our room very clearly. As we heard that loud noise we quickly went to the window of our room and started looking them through our window. 


A Corpse Found by Police


When police started investigating so they found a corpse from that house. This was an incident that I could not forget. On the next day, daddy booked our ticket from Southwest Flights to Atlanta and sent us to granny’s house. 


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